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615-802-COOL (2665)

Annual School Supply drive – McGavock Elementary School

Interstate AC Service partnered again this year with local elementary schools in Nashville to provide school supplies based on wish lists from each school. We enjoyed gathering the needed supplies and delivering them personally to the schools. Part of our mission is to always give back to the communities we serve. Our annual school supply drive is just one way we do this!

2nd Annual Field Service Technician Appreciation Breakfast


2nd Annual Field Service Technician Appreciation Breakfast in the books!
Congrats to all the prize winners!

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Employee Appreciation Breakfast

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]On February 17th, Interstate AC Service catered a breakfast to show their appreciation to their employees. The delicious breakfast was catered by Donelson Café.

The company’s best assets are their employees.  It is important to show them they are appreciated and recognized for the job they perform.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][us_carousel post_type=”attachment” images=”263,264,265,266″ orderby=”rand” items_quantity=”4″ items_layout=”gallery_default” columns=”1″ items_gap=”15px” carousel_autoplay=”1″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Helping the Homeless on Easter Sunday

One of our employees, Jeff Parks, along with a group we belong to, BOMA, (Building Owners and Managers Association) has become involved with a charity formed by two women. They needed a van so they could deliver food and supplies to the homeless in both Nashville and Lebanon. We decided we could fix one of our vans and donate it to this charity Channel 2 (WKRN) did an interview with Heather Young, the Founder of All For Him Ministry and volunteer Keisha Payton. We were very inspired to see this video. It is a great feeling for all of us to help the homeless in such a basic way. Thanks, Jeff, for making this happen.