Reflecting & Radiating Heat – Alternatives to Zoning (Part 2)
This is part 2 of our 3-part series on alternatives to Zoning. Zoning refers to creating separate thermostatically-controlled areas within your home to help even out the hot and cold spots. But, before doing an expensive retro fit or buying a new multi-zoned system, try some of these things to address and possibly alleviate uneven temperatures in your home! In this episode, we’ll focus on how Reflecting and Radiating Heat may help… and best thing is these are do-it-yourself-type projects!
Insulate the Attic
Beefing up the insulation in the attic – not just around the ducts but all around the floor of the attic – is the one thing you can do that will help the most with both heating and cooling. Plus, you’ll save money on your overall heating and cooling costs year-round.
Insulate Garage
Adding insulation to your garage, particularly to the garage doors, will prevent heat from outside radiating inside in summer, and will prevent heat loss in winter. Not only will it make your garage a more comfortable space, but it will help your HVAC work a little less hard to keep the adjoining rooms at your desired temperature.
Reflecting Heat
Do you have windows in your garage door or attic? What about in that one room that always seems to be too hot in the summer and too cool in the winter? Try Iining the insides of the windows with a UV-reflective window film, which can block 99% of the sun’s UV rays while also reducing heat loss in winter by 30%. Many types and colors are available, and some are transparent and easily removable.
Radiant Barriers
Consider adding a radiant barrier in the attic to reflect some heat away. A radiant barrier is a highly reflective material that reflects heat rather than absorbing it. Attics with R-19 or better insulation and a radiant barrier – such as foil-laminated OSB panels or thin sheets of aluminum – may reduce an attic’s temperature by up to 30°F.
A cooler attic or garage means less heat moving into your living space! This increases the efficiency of your ductwork, prolongs the life of your HVAC, and saves on your energy bills.
While we can’t help you with many of these DIY projects, we can help make sure your heating and cooling units are maintained in top shape for peak efficiency, and help you find the best solution for addressing your uneven heating and cooling problems. If you live in the Nashville or surrounding area, call on Interstate AC Service at 615-802-2665. We’re here for all your heating and cooling needs.